Easy DIY Fall Wreath (in 2 steps!)

I have been known to get a little too ambitious with my DIY projects. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to tell the story of how I attempted (key word attempted) to make homemade graham crackers with strawberry jam and cream cheese for pre-school snack. Pro-tip: stick with goldfish!

BUT this little gem of a DIY fall wreath took less than ten minutes to put together, and bonus points for really being seasonally agnostic. I think it will be equally as fabulous come springtime as it is for fall. Quick visit to Hobby Lobby (or for the homebodies like me - Amazon!) and there's only 3 things on your list. I used lamb's ear (get 2, which is 10 total), cotton bolls - yes BOLLS not balls ha - (1 is good, depending on how many you want on your wreath!), and a vine wreath (mine is 12 in).

All you have to do is place the lamb's ear around the wreath by sticking the ends into the vine wreath. No hot glue needed here. Thank goodness, I may or may not have burnt all my fingers gluing on yarn as hair for a certain first grade community project last weekend...). I just kept adjusting them until it looked good. No exact measurements - that's my kind of project. After the lamb's ear, repeat the same process with the cotton bolls. And that's it!


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